
The Design for Emergency Data Platform publishes the results of a survey launched in 12 countries during the Covid-19 lockdowns. The survey explores the experiences, issues, and needs of people whose lives had been transformed by the pandemic.

Data published here can be used by designers looking for ways to improve the experience of people dealing with Covid-19 containment measures, by researchers analysing the effects of the global pandemic, or by anyone who is interested in understanding how people are dealing with the changes that this pandemic is generating around the world.

All data and visualizations published on this platform are under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. They can be re-used and re-published, as long as the authors of this initiative are credited.

Data was collected through a survey launched in 11 countries, in three continents. The survey was translated into local languages, and small adjustments were made to questions where necessary, to reflect and adapt to the different contexts (e.g. specific containment measures).


The analysis and visualization of results depend on the type of question they refer to. For multiple-choice questions, results are represented quantitatively through graphs and charts reporting either the absolute or the relative (percentage) numbers.

We analyzed answers to open-ended questions through NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools, in order to extrapolate relevant key concepts. For each open-ended question, we selected the 100 most relevant key concepts using the Keyphrase Digger (KD) tool. The key concepts have been manually grouped into topics, and they have been visualized according to their frequency. The areas of the circles represent the frequency of the selected topics and key concepts.

Discover more
The Data Platform is part of a broader open initiative, Design for Emergency, which supports the collaborative design and development of solutions addressing the specific issues and emotions of people during the pandemic. Have a look at Seed Ideas published on the Design Platform!
Visit Design for Emergency →
We are looking for people willing to contribute to this initiative! If you want to get in touch, or receive more information, please send us a message at s.colombo(at)tue.nl
This initiative was founded by Sara Colombo (Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University) and Paolo Ciuccarelli (Center for Design, Northeastern University, Boston). Information designers and data analysts are supporting this initiative donating their time and experience to this cause. They are part of our wonderful core team.

Sara Colombo, Founder, Director | Paolo Ciuccarelli, Founder, Co-Director

Web design and web development
Danilo Di Cuia, London (UK) | Lucia Marengo, Barcelona (ES) | Sara Perozzi, Milano (IT) | Houjiang Liu, Center for Design, Northeastern University, Boston (USA) | Estefania Ciliotta Chehade, Center for Design, Northeastern University, Boston (USA)

Social media management
Lucy Yan, Politecnico di Milano, Milano (IT)

Data analysis
Marco Guerini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (IT) | Piero Molino, Uber AI, San Francisco (USA) |
Alessio Palmero Aprosio, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (IT) | Sara Tonelli, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (IT)

Global partners
Denise Dantas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (BR) | Sara Miriam Goldchmit, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (BR) | Carlos Jimenez-Martinez, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife (ES) | Idafen Santana-Perez, GTMA, ULPGC (ES) | Clémence Guillaume, CeReS lab, Université de Limoges, KEIZ (FR) | Jieun Kim, Hanyang University, Seoul (KR) | Adam Thorpe, UAL DESIS Lab, University of the Arts London (UK) | Berthana Salas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Xochimilco (MEX) | Pablo C. Herrera, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (PE) | Cristina Dreifuss-Serrano, Universidad de Lima (PE) | Andres López Vaca, Universidad Técnica de Ambato (ECU) | Vitaly Fedosov, Service Designer (RU) | Aigul Ashrafullina, Information Architect (RU) | DESIS Network, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability | Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Ars Electronica Research Institute "Knowledge for humanity" (AT) | Aleyda Rocha, Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT) | Francisco Prieto Castrillo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (AT).

Design & Development (Seed Ideas)
Domus Academy, Milan (IT) | Berkeley Innovation Group, Berkeley (USA) | Studio Volpi (IT) | Museu Da Casa Brasileira, (BR)